Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year, Newish Issues...

This one is going to be short. At least I hope so. I tend to ramble and jump from topic to topic. It's getting a little sad because it starts to show up in my writing at school. I try not to do it, to write like my thought process because I realize people can't read like the way I type. But most times my thoughts are a big jumble of ideas and it makes it hard to focus on one thing. It's not really ADD. My mother says it's me just being to overly observational and over-analytical.

Anywho, working the New Year's party was fun. I looked fly with my emo hair and tie and for the first time in a LONG time (I believe since my senior prom) I felt like a girly girl. I even had on stilettos, which might have been an epic fail because my feet were fucking throbbing at the end of the night. This always seems to happen whenever I wear dressy shoes. I can't help it I'm a Chucks and Vans kind of girl. Been that way since '98 and I'm not changing. Although I will admit whenever I start making real money my first splurge (besides a Technics turntable) will be a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes. Or as I like to call them "Big Girl Shoes". I would do so many deliciously wicked things in those pumps. Snag me a Russian for sure.

Speaking of hot ass Russians...I've decided to push back one story to make room for another. Don't worry, I'm still writing Always and Never. Again, I'm not giving an exact date because I'm still trying to get the interwebs fixed at my house and I have work, money issues, and grad school (you know, the same problems that followed me after the holiday) to worry about. I'm confident things will work out. I'm trying hard to avoid the money pitfalls so many people my age fall into. I'm really careful with my money (a little too careful according to my friends. I'm sorry, paying 8 bucks for a damn drink when I can buy a whole bottle for a few dollars more is bullshit). I'd rather spend my money on things more comics and music.

Shit, see I got off topic. I meant to tell you about my new story. I'm going back to my Hartley roots. This time, I'm writing about my girl Carrie. Besides Tegan, she's got to be my favorite female character. She's...well, she's a damn bitch but she's so interesting. I've been thinking about her story for a LONG time, even before Derek and Tegan. I initially was thinking about her and Derek and realized that would have been too obvious. Plus I knew Carrie was going to need a man just as edgy and fierce as her. And as much as I love my little Ryan, he's not enough to handle Ms. DiValenti. I'm not going to give too much away. Favorite characters will return, some couples break up, and there's a major side plot involving my redhead Jess but it will definitely be worth the read. And the man...let's just say you might need a fan after reading :).

So this was supposed to be short...and it's totally not. Gotta get back to writing!


Anonymous said...

i look forward to the new story and the updates on the couples. personally i would love to see what happens with Derek's business partners. they cracked me up.

those loulous are fierce.

divisionred said...

Hi, I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. Thanks for the link to your blog. Take care.

Anonymous said...

The Hartleys are back!! yay!!! Please please please dont break Tegan and Derek up, they are my fave couple ever!!!

Anywho, lookin forward to the new story...